Social Cognitive Maps

Xia, A., Teoh, Y., Nassar, M., Bhandari A., & FeldmanHall, O. (R&R). Knowledge of information cascades through social networks facilitates strategic gossip.

Son, J.*, Vives, M.L.*, Bhandari, A.*, & FeldmanHall, O.* (2024). Replay shapes abstract cognitive maps for efficient social navigation. Nature Human Behaviour. *equal contribution. PDF

Son, J., Bhandari, A.*, & FeldmanHall, O.* (2023). Abstract cognitive maps of social network structure aid adaptive inference. *equal contribution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF

Son, J., Bhandari, A., FeldmanHall, O. (2021). Cognitive map of social features enable flexible inference in social networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF

FeldmanHall, O. (2017). How Does Social Network Position Influence Prosocial Behavior? Trends in Cognitive Science. PDF

Emotion's Role in Decision-Making

Heffner, J., Fromer, R., Nassar, M., & FeldmanHall, O. (R&R). Dissociable neural signals for reward and emotion prediction errors. PDF

Vives, M.L., de Bruin, D., van Baar, J., FeldmanHall, O. (2024). Tweeting under uncertainty: characterizing the relationship between uncertain language and negative emotions in a naturalistic context. Emotion. PDF

FeldmanHall, O. & Heffner, J., (2022). A generalizable framework for assessing the role of emotion during choice. American Psychologist. PDF

Heffner, J., & FeldmanHall, O. (2022). A probabilistic map of emotional experiences during competitive social interactions. Nature Communications. PDF

Heffner, J., Son, J., & FeldmanHall, O. (2021) Emotion Prediction Errors Guide Socially Adaptive Behavior. Nature Human Behaviour. PDF

Heffner, J., Vives, M. L., & FeldmanHall, O. (2021). Anxiety, gender, and social media consumption predict COVID-19 emotional distress. Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. PDF, SI, Github

Heffner, J., Vives, M.L., & FeldmanHall, O. (2020). Emotional responses to prosocial messages increase willingness to self-isolate during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences. PDF, GitHub

FeldmanHall, O., & Chang, L.J. (2018). Social Learning: Emotions aid in optimizing goal-directed social behavior. In Bornstein, A.M., Morris R.W., & Shenhav, A. (Eds) Goal-Directed Decision-Making: Computations and Circuits. Elsevier. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Glimcher, P., Baker, A.L., Phelps, E. A. (2016). Emotion and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Arousal predicts increased gambling during ambiguity but not riskJournal of Experimental Psychology: General. PDF, SI

FeldmanHall, O., Raio, C.M., Kubota, J., Seiler, M.G., Phelps, E. A. (2015). The Effects of Social Context and Acute Stress on Decision-Making Under UncertaintyPsychological Science. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Dalgleish, T., Evans, D., Mobbs, D. (2015). Empathic Concern Drives Costly AltruismNeuroImage. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Dalgleish, T., Mobbs, D. (2013). Alexithymia decreases altruism in real social decisions. Cortex. PDF, SI

Mobbs, D., Yu, R., Rowe, J., Eich, H., FeldmanHall, O., Dalgleish, T. (2010). Neural Activity Associated with Monitoring the Oscillating Threat Value of a Phylogenetic StimulusProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF

Social and Moral Learning

Zhang, S., FeldmanHall, O., Hetu, S., Otto, R. (under review). Advantageous and disadvantageous inequality aversion can be taught through vicarious learning of others’ preferences.

Hu, Y.F., Heffner, J., Bhandari, A., & FeldmanHall, O. (In Press). Goals bias face perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

FeldmanHall, O., & Vives, M.L. (in Press). Prosociality. In B. F. Malle & P. Robbins (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology. Cambridge University Press.

Lamba, A., Frank, M.J., & FeldmanHall, O. (2024). Keeping an eye out for change: Anxiety disrupts adaptive resolution of policy and epistemic uncertainty. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. PDF

Vives, M.L., de Bruin, D., van Baar, J., FeldmanHall, O.,* & Bhandari, A.* (2023). Uncertainty aversion predicts the neural expansion of semantic representations. Nature Human Behaviour. *equal contribution. PDF Research Brief

Lamba, A., Nassar, M. & FeldmanHall, O. (2023). Prefrontal cortex state representations shape human credit assignment. eLife. PDF

Vives, M.L., Heffner, J., FeldmanHall, O. (2023). Conceptual representations of uncertainty predict risky decision-making. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. PDF

Vives, M.L., Cikara, M., & FeldmanHall, O. (2022). Following your group or your morals? The in-group promotes immoral behavior while the out-group buffers against it. Social Psychological and Personality Science. PDF

van Baar, J., Nassar, M., Deng, W., & FeldmanHall, O. (2021). Latent motives guide structure learning during adaptive social choice. Nature Human Behaviour. PDF

Sachs, M.E., FeldmanHall, O., Tamir, D. (2021) Clarifying the link between music and social bonding by measuring prosociality in context. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. PDF

FeldmanHall, O. & Nassar, M. (2021) The computational challenges of social learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. PDF

FeldmanHall, O. Montez, D., Phelps, E.A., Davachi, L., Murty, V. (2020). Hippocampus guides adaptive learning during dynamic social interactions. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF

Lamba, A., Frank, M.J., FeldmanHall, O. (2020). Anxiety Impedes Adaptive Social Learning Under Uncertainty. Psychological Science. PDF, SI, OSF

Mattan, B., Barth, D.M., Thompson, A., FeldmanHall, O., Cloutier, J., Kubota, J.T.  (2020). Punishing the Privileged: Selfish Offers from High-Status Allocators Elicit Greater Punishment from Third-Party Arbitrators. PLOS ONE. PDF

Heffner, J., & FeldmanHall, O. (2019). Why we don’t always punish: Preferences for non-punitive responses to moral violations. Scientific Reports. PDF, SI

Son, J., Bhandari, A., & FeldmanHall, O. (2019). Crowdsourcing punishment: Individuals reference group preferences to inform their own punitive decisions. Scientific Reports. PDF, SI, OSF

Wills, J.A., Hackel, L., FeldmanHall, O., Pärnamets, P., Van Bavel, J.J. (2019). The Social Neuroscience of Cooperation. The Cognitive Neurosciences VI. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., & Dunsmoor, J. (2019). Viewing adaptive social decision-making through the lens of associative learning. Perspectives on Psychological Science. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., & Shenhav, A. (2019). Resolving Uncertainty in a Social World. Nature Human Behaviour. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Glimcher, P., Baker, A. L., NYU PROSPEC Collaboration, Phelps, E. A. (2019). The Functional Roles of the Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex in Processing Uncertainty. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF, SI

Olsson, A., FeldmanHall, O., Haaker. J., Hensler, T. (2018). Social regulation of survival circuits through learning. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, Special Issue on Survival Behaviors and Circuits. PDF

Vives, M.L., & FeldmanHall, O. (2018). Tolerance to ambiguous uncertainty increases prosocial behavior. Nature Communications. PDF, Data, SI

FeldmanHall, O., Son, J., Heffner, J. (2018). Norms and the Flexibility of Moral Action. Personality Neuroscience. PDF


FeldmanHall, O., Otto, A. R., Phelps, E. A. (2018). Learning moral values: another’s desire to punish enhances one's own punitive behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. PDF, SI

Wills, J., FeldmanHall, O.,  NYU PROSPEC Collaboration, Meager, M.R., Van Bavel, J.J. (2018). Dissociable contributions of the prefrontal cortex in group-based cooperationSocial Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PDF, Data

FeldmanHall, O., Dunsmoor, J., Tompary, A., Hunter, L.E., Todorov, A., Phelps E.A. (2018). Stimulus generalization as a mechanism for learning to trust. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF, SI

FeldmanHall, O., Dunsmoor, J., Kroes, M., Lackovic, S.F., Phelps E.A. (2017). Associative learning of social value in dynamic groups. Psychological Science. PDF, Data

FeldmanHall, O., Dalgleish, T., Evans, D., Navrady, L., Tedeschi, E., Mobbs, D. (2016). Moral Chivalry: Gender and Harm Sensitivity Predict Costly Altruism. Social Psychology and Personality Science. PDF, SI

*Murty, V., *FeldmanHall, O., Hunter, L.E., Phelps, E. A., Davachi, L. (2016). Episodic memories predict adaptive value-based decision-making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. *Denotes shared first authorship. PDF, SI

Van Bavel, J.J., FeldmanHall, O., Mende-Siedlecki, P. (2015). The neuroscience of moral cognition: From dual processes to dynamic systemsCurrent Opinion in Psychology. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., & Mobbs, D. (2015) A Neural Network for Moral Decision-Making. In A.W. Toga, & M. D. Lieberman (eds.) Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Elsevier: Oxford. PDF

Mobbs, D., Hagan, C.C., Yu, R., FeldmanHall, O., Dalgleish, T. (2015) Reflected Glory and Failure: The role of the medial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum in self vs shared relevance during advice giving outcomesSocial Cognitive Affective Neuroscience. PDF

FeldmanHall O., Sokol-Hessner, P., Van Bavel, J.J. Phelps, E A. (2014). Fairness violations elicit greater punishment on behalf of another then for oneself. Nature Communications. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Mobbs, D., Dalgleish, T. (2014). Deconstructing the Brain’s Moral Network: Dissociable Functionality in the Temporoparietal Junction and Medial Prefrontal CortexSocial Cognitive Affective Neuroscience. PDF

FeldmanHall, O., Dalgleish, T., Thompson, R., Evans, D., Schweizer, S., Mobbs, D. (2012). Differential neural circuitry and self-interest in real vs hypothetical moral decisionsSocial Cognitive Affective Neuroscience. PDF


FeldmanHall, O., Mobbs, D., Hiscox, L., Navrady, L., Dalgleish, T. (2012). What We Say and What We Do: The Relationship Between Real and Hypothetical Moral ChoicesCognition. PDF

Political Polarization

de Bruin, D., van Baar, J., Rodriguez, P.L., & FeldmanHall, O. (2023). Shared neural representations and temporal segmentation of political content predict ideological similarity. Science Advances. PDF

van Baar, J., Halpern, D., & FeldmanHall, O. (2021). Intolerance of uncertainty modulates brain-to-brain synchrony during politically polarized perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF

van Baar, J., & FeldmanHall, O. (2021). The Polarized Mind in Context: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Psychology of Political Polarization. American Psychologist. PDF